Clear Dry Ink

Clear Dry Ink can make your printed image look like a photograph or be used to highlight an image, text, or graphic.

To use Clear Dry Ink:

  1. In the Clear Dry Ink window, for Clear Options, select an option.
    • Printer Default: Uses the current printer settings.
    • FloodClear: Coats the entire page with clear toner.
    • Only Images: Coats only page objects that are identified as images.
    • OnlyText: Coats only text with clear toner.
    • OnlyGraphics: Coats only graphics with clear toner.
    • Not Images (Only Text, Graphics): Coats the entire page, text, and graphics with clear toner, omitting images.
    • Not Text (Only Images, Graphics): Coats the entire page, images, and graphics with clear toner, omitting text.
    • Not Graphics (Only Images, Text): Coats the entire page, images, and text with clear toner, omitting graphics.
    • SuppressClear: Prevents coating any part of the page with clear toner.
    • Use Embedded Clear: The printer uses the instructions found in the PDL to apply clear dry ink.
  2. Depending on your device, to specify the amount of clear toner, select one of the options.
    • Click Clear Dry Ink again, then select the amount of clear toner to apply to your selection.
    • From the Clear Amount list, select the amount of clear toner.
  3. Click OK.