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Printer Neighborhood Help

Printer Neighborhood is a tool that enables you to search for printers on your network, check their status, and manage them remotely. You can also install, manage, troubleshoot, and view printer usage information from a variety of pages. Access to the embedded web server for each printer enables you to perform other management tasks.

The default printer search mode is Phaser Quick Search, which quickly finds most Phaser printers on your local subnet. To search for all types of printers or to change other defaults, click the Preferences tab.

To access Printer Neighborhood, click Printer neighborhood button image Printer Neighborhood from the top of any page in CentreWare IS. To view topics contained in Printer Neighborhood, click Printer Neighborhood Index.

Note: JavaScript is required in order to access and use pages in Printer Neighborhood. If JavaScript is disabled, a warning message displays and the pages will not function properly.

Link: Xerox website