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Use this page to enable Web Services on the printer. Web Services on Devices (WSD) is technology from Microsoft that provides a standard method for discovering and using networked devices in Windows Vista environments.

Enable WSD - Select the checkbox to enable WSD.

Port Number - Enter the port number (TCP/IP socket number) for WSD. Values can be 80 or 8000 - 9999.

Data Receive Time-Out - Enter the amount of time allowed before the data receiving connection times out. The value entered must be between 1 and 65535 seconds.

Notification Delivery Time-Out - Enter the amount of time allowed before the delivery notification connection times out. The value entered must be between 1 and 60 seconds.

Maximum TTL (Time to Live) - Use to find the nearest path to the target by sending UDP packets and checking the TTL or Hop Limit for the smallest difference to find the shortest path. Enter a numeric value between 1 and 10 for the maximum TTL on the WSD packet. 

Maximum Number of Subscribers - Use for load balancing. If the WSD server reaches the subscriber limit you may be assigned to a server at a greater distance and some of the information may not be available. If you accept a larger number of subscribers, your turn comes less often but the information you need may be more readily available. Enter a numeric value between 10 and 20 for the maximum number of WSD subscribers.

When you are satisfied with your selections, click Save Changes to keep the settings or Discard Changes to keep the previous settings. The settings becomes active after you save the changes, and then restart the printer from CentreWare IS or by manually switching it off and then on again.

Link: Xerox website