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SSL Help

Use this page to enable SSL and to create or access a security certificate.

Note: Once a local certificate has been created, you can enable or disable SSL by selecting the SSL check box.

Port Number - Enter the port number to be used for HTTPS. This number can be 443 or any number from 8000 through 9999.

If you have installed the optional Productivity Kit (HD) and enabled HDD encryption under Secure Settings, you can enable the Verify Remote Server Certificate option.

Enable SSL - Follow these steps to create a local certificate and enable SSL:

  1. Click Create New Certificate.
  2. Next to Public Key Method, select the DKIM signature type.
  3. Next to Public Key Size, select the number of bits.
  4. Next to Validity, set the length of time that the certificate is effective.
  5. Click Generate Signed Certificate.
  6. Click Restart.
  7. Refresh your Web browser.

When you are satisfied with your selections, click Save Changes to keep the settings or Discard Changes to keep the previous settings. The settings become active after you save the changes, and then restart the printer from CentreWare Internet Services or by manually switching it off and then on again.

Once a local certificate has been created, if you have installed the optional Productivity Kit (HD) and enabled HDD encryption under Secure Settings, you can upload a certificate.

  1. Click Upload Signed Certificate.
  2. Enter and re-enter the password, then click Choose File.
  3. Once the file has been selected, click Import.
Link: Xerox website