Spot Color

Spot Color mixes cyan, magenta, yellow, and black to approximate spot ink colors on a printing press.

To use Spot Color:

  1. Click Custom Color > Spot Color.
  2. Select an option.
    • Automatic Color: This option applies the best color correction to text, graphics, and images. Xerox recommends this setting.
    • Commercial: This option applies color for printing on a commercial printing press.
    • SWOP Press: Specifications for Web Offset Printing (SWOP) Press is a professional CMYK -based printing standard commonly used in North America.
    • Euroscale Press: This option matches the European FOGRA glossy paper specification.
    • Japan Color: This option matches the Japan Color 2001 specification.
    • ISO Coated: This option provides an emulation of the FOGRA 27 standard for printing on coated paper. Printing on coated paper is not required when using this setting.
    • ISO Uncoated: This option provides an emulation of the FOGRA 29 standard for printing on uncoated paper.
    • SNAP Press: Specifications for Non-Heatset Advertising Printing (SNAP) Press is a graphic arts printing standard.
    • Spot Color: This option mixes cyan, magenta, yellow, and black to approximate spot ink colors on a printing press.
    • LCD Display: This option approximates the print job colors to the colors of the computer monitor display screen.
    • sRGB Display: This option causes the printer to emulate the colors of a calibrated RGB display, such as a CRT or high-end tuned LCD display screen.
    • Vivid RGB: This option produces brighter and more saturated colors using red, green, and blue colors.
    • Black and White: This option converts all colors to grayscale, producing a black and white version of a document.
    • None: This option provides no color correction.
  3. Click OK.