Add Recipient

You can add multiple recipients to your fax job.

To add fax recipients:

  1. Click Fax Settings > Fax Options.
  2. Click the Add Recipient icon.
  3. Type the recipient name and fax number, then add other information as required.
  4. Click OK.
  5. To add more recipients, repeat this procedure.
  6. To add recipients from the Phonebook, click the Add From Phonebook icon. To select a phonebook, use the menu. To find a recipient, use the scroll bar or search option, then click the name. Click OK. To add more recipients, repeat this procedure.
  7. To save recipients, or groups, click the Save to Phonebook icon.
  8. To edit or delete an entry from the recipient list, use the following options:
    • To edit an entry, select the recipient in the list and click Edit.
    • To delete an entry from the list, select the recipient in the list and click Delete.
  9. To set fax options, click the Advanced button.
  10. Click OK.